Wednesday, February 22, 2023

The World of Cyberbullying

Bullying can be prevalent in many schools through physical or verbal harm. In addition to this, cyberbullying is another form of bullying that can happen daily. Cyberbullying is defined as bullying through digital technologies. It can be seen through social media, mobile messaging, video games and other platforms too. This behavior is normally repeated and has a goal to shame those behind a screen. Some forms of cyberbullying include rumors, fake accounts, sending harmful messages or videos and the list can, sadly, go on. Cyberbullying can differ from bullying done in person because bullying online leaves a footprint that can be used as proof of abuse. The importance of cyberbullying in the education field is that this type of bullying can be constantly revisited. Students could quickly feel ashamed of themselves and face issues like anxiety, depression, and anger. When students start to feel these emotions, academic performance can be affected. Long lasting effects can come from this type of bullying, and if it is not treated, then students could perform poorly in their academics or maybe even drop out. 

A young girl is looking at a hurtful
comment said about her online

I believe that cyberbullying happens more often than face-to-face bullying. Nowadays, technology is very commonly used in the classroom and everyday life. It is easier for people to quickly comment on a social media post, or make fake accounts while they hide behind a screen. Directly saying something to a person can be hard to do, especially since a good amount of communication is done through technology too. Even at a young age, children are starting to incorporate technology into their daily lives which can open up the door to comments being made through a video game or messaging platform. It can be hard to understand the tone of voice through a screen as well, so something might be easily taken out of context and defined as cyberbullying. I have been a victim of cyberbullying myself. I specifically remember a post that I made about cheerleading on one of my social media accounts and I got a large amount of hateful comments. Cheerleading has always been a passion of mine, so reading the hurtful comments about something I love and the people I do it with, was nothing short of upsetting. Reading mean comments or receiving nasty messages can be just as hurtful compared to if it was said in person. I think that cyberbullying needs to be talked about more in schools, so children can feel confident to bring this issue to life and get help from those around them. 

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